Communication material for your rollout

Communication material for your rollout

Share rides and win great prizes

Teile Fahrten und gewinne tolle Preise

Drive a car and win great prizes?

Yes that works. With uRyde!

For every uRyde trip you share, advertise or book, you automatically receive a lottery ticket and have a chance to win great prizes at the end of each month. The more actively you use uRyde, the higher your chance of winning something. Great prizes are waiting for you – let yourself be surprised!

The best thing to do is open uRyde straight away, advertise or book a trip and (with a bit of luck) win!

This is what you can win in the uRyde lottery:

  • Growing calendar or tea from Primoza

  • Reusable, high-quality and sustainable notebooks with whiteboard technology from BamBook

  • Alpaca hike

  • Smoothie power from Kraftschluck

  • High quality gins

  • Etc

    There is more information about the uRyde lottery at:

    Together we are taking the path towards sustainable mobility – with less traffic and fewer emissions!

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